22 January 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
“True humility begins in seeing ourselves as the mere creatures we are, made by and utterly dependent upon our eternal and almighty Creator. He is very, very big; and we, by comparison, are very, very small.”
15 January 2023
So here’s Jesus on the road, slowly, through village and town, making His way to Jerusalem. When, one day, someone in the crowd around Him asks, “Lord, will those who are saved be few?”
8 January 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
‘The struggle to feel like we matter, to feel like we belong, that we are a somebody and not a nobody is one we can experience at any age. It affects us all, from time to time.”
18 December 2022
Series: Non-Series Sermons
“Jesus is not just Immanuel – God with us. He is also our Savior – God delivering us, bringing all things round to good for us in the end.”
11 December 2022
Series: Non-Series Sermons
“When we broke our relationship with Him in sin – He did not, in mercy, let it break His relationship to us.”
4 December 2022
Series: Non-Series Sermons