7 April 2024
Series: Non-Series Sermons
“God loved us so much that he was never content to stay hidden away in sacred space.”
3 December 2023
Series: Non-Series Sermons
3 September 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
“In his ascension, Jesus Christ fills all things. His ascension, we should understand, is not a movement away from creation, but, almost paradoxically, a movement toward it.”
27 August 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
And now, Jesus was dead. There was no doubt about that. And with him had died the hope and faith of his disciples.
20 August 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
Speaker: John DuBose
Book: Luke
“He is not here, but has risen.” Jesus Christ is risen! This incredible story is the greatest Good News anyone will ever hear.
13 August 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
“At the simplest level, that what we will one day go through, Jesus, our Lord and Savior, has already gone through before us. That where we shall one day be, He Himself has already been.”