30 April 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
“Persistent prayer keeps us intimately connected to God, which in turn keeps us intimately connected to His power and to His promises, which keeps us from losing heart in this world while we wait for the Kingdom to come.”
23 April 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
“The Kingdom of God is now, it’s already here – if we know what to look for, and if we know the One who is already our King.”
16 April 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
Faith is – relationship. Faith is simply a real, ongoing, ever-deepening relationship between Him and us.
9 April 2023
Series: Non-Series Sermons
Because Jesus Christ has risen from the dead, death need no longer scare us the way that it often does – for the grave can longer hold us and death can no longer end us – “We shall rise, we shall rise!”
2 April 2023
Series: Non-Series Sermons
“Let not your hearts be troubled? How, in a world like this, can our hearts be anything other than troubled?”
26 March 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
“the story ends, with Lazarus in heaven and the rich man in Hades – and justice seemingly done, the tables turned, and so forth.”