22 May 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
In other words, one last time, before they enter the Holy City, Jesus tries to set His disciples straight about what is to happen and what it will mean for them.
And then Jesus begins the parable proper: “A nobleman went into a far country to receive for himself a kingdom and then return.” Now, right there is something everyone listening would have immediately understood, something “ripped from the headlines,” so to speak. You see, this idea of a nobleman going to a far country to receive a kingdom was not a fiction, but an event which had actually happened in the living memory of those around Jesus.
14 May 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
7 May 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
“Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” The first thing Jesus wants us to understand about the impossible becoming possible regarding who can be saved is that it begins to become possible the moment we give up on our false saviors, and confess to Him our helplessness, confess to Him our true infant-like need for Him.
30 April 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
“Persistent prayer keeps us intimately connected to God, which in turn keeps us intimately connected to His power and to His promises, which keeps us from losing heart in this world while we wait for the Kingdom to come.”
23 April 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
“The Kingdom of God is now, it’s already here – if we know what to look for, and if we know the One who is already our King.”
16 April 2023
Series: The Gospel of Luke
Faith is – relationship. Faith is simply a real, ongoing, ever-deepening relationship between Him and us.