18 July 2021
Series: A Letter from Paul - Philippians
Our passage can be seen as a summary of sorts regarding pretty much everything Paul has said in his letter thus far.
11 July 2021
Series: A Letter from Paul - Philippians
Paul didn’t just throw away all the bad stuff – like in the standard Christian testimonial where the speaker talks about leaving behind the drugs, the crime, and other bits of a rather wild lifestyle.
4 July 2021
Series: A Letter from Paul - Philippians
But God not only diagnosed the problem of loneliness long before it become our modern problem, God from the very beginning was also already working on and providing for us a cure from our loneliness.
27 June 2021
Series: A Letter from Paul - Philippians
21 June 2021
Series: A Letter from Paul - Philippians
13 June 2021
Series: A Letter from Paul - Philippians
in the passage we read this morning, Paul turns his attention to the Philippians and says to them, in effect, “And I challenge you to do the same”: “Let your manner of life be worthy of the gospel of Christ.”