Ginna Lister

Palm Sunday Lunch & Egg Hunt

Fellowship Hall 201 S. 1st Street, Easley, United States

Lunch will follow the 11:00 worship service. Menu: Ham, Mac n Cheese, Green Beans, Rolls, Banana Pudding The Easter Egg hunt will follow lunch.



Vacation Bible School

Gym 201 S. 1st Street, Easley, United States

Camp Firelight Date: June  1-5 Who: K3-5th grades completed What: Rotating Stations – Bible storytelling, music, recreation, crafts, science Time:  5:00-8:00 pm with dinner 5:00-5:30 Dinner, […]

Basketball Camp

Gym 201 S. 1st Street, Easley, United States

June 16-19 9:00-11:45 am K5-5th grades completed @ EPC Gym $65/participant Pay online or make checks payable to EPC.


Sprout Day Camp

Sprout Day Camp - July 7-10 Time: 9:00 am-12:00 pm Who: K5-2nd Grades Completed Cost: $50  


SOAR Day Camp

SOAR Day Camp Who: 3rd-5th grades completed Date: July 14-17 - Mon-Thur Time: 9-12 Cost: $50
